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BIWAKO International Jewelry Design Competition

The first BIWAKO International Jewelry Design Competition has come to a perfect end. We received 51 entries from 13 countries in total. BIWAKO Jewelry will materialize the Top 9 works and hold exhibitions in multiple countries in Asia, Europe and North America.

2023 top 3 winners are First Prize Pilar Zapata, Colombia; The Second Prize Juliana Vergara Rodríguez, Colombia; The Third Prize Chloe Wong, China.

We feel privileged to roll out this International Jewelry Design Competition with the theme of She and hope to demonstrate women’s unique charm and power through pearls. In the meanwhile, this competition could serve as a platform for She, female jewelry designers, to show off their talents and creativity. We believe She would bring us brand new aesthetic experiences and design philosophy of females in the new era. We have witnessed women from all over the world freely expressing their thoughts through their works, once again feeling the unique power of women.

We would like to thank jury for their responsible work and commitment:

  • Boris Grebille, Dean of IESA, France.
  • Danielle Lafaurie, Designer, Colombia.
  • Froukje Idsardi,Jewellery Department Technical University Delft and Vakschool Schoonhoven, Netherlands.
  • Jasmina Carbone, Professor of Le Arti Orafe Jewelry School, Italy.
  • Sonja Bäumel, Head of the Jewellery Linking Bodies Department at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Fan Zhe, Founder of Centre de Design Sino- Francias, China-France

Please stay tuned for further announcements on the specific dates and locations of our exhibitions and information of the next competition. Thank you for your support for the BIWAKO International Jewelry Design Competition.

